AMSOIL Oil Change Interval

The oil change interval for AMSOIL synthetic motor oil varies depending on the specific product and operating conditions. Generally speaking,...

March 9, 2021

The oil change interval for AMSOIL synthetic motor oil varies depending on the specific product and operating conditions. Generally speaking, AMSOIL synthetic motor oil outperforms other conventional and synthetic oils and performs so well you can extend oil change intervals if you want. Extending oil change intervals provides the following benefits:

  • Reduced maintenance
  • Reduced annual oil costs
  • Less waste oil disposal

If you choose to follow the oil change interval given in your owner’s manual, AMSOIL synthetic motor oil still provides the benefits of increased wear protection, maximum engine cleanliness, optimum fuel efficiency and reduced oil consumption.

AMSOIL oil change interval by product line

Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil

  • Normal Service – Up to 25,000 miles (40,200 km), 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first, in personal vehicles not operating under severe service.
  • Severe Service – Up to 15,000 miles (24,140 km), 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first. Severe service conditions include commercial or fleet vehicles; excessive idling; or frequent towing, hauling, plowing or driving in dusty conditions.

XL Synthetic Motor Oil

  • Up to 12,000 miles (19,300 km)/one year oil change intervals, or longer when recommended in owner’s manuals or indicated by electronic oil life monitoring systems.

OE Synthetic Motor Oil

  • Recommended for the intervals stated by the vehicle manufacturer or indicated by the oil life monitoring system.

Signature Series Max-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil

Diesel Engine Service Life

  • Heavy-Duty On-/Off-Road: Three times (3X) OEM1 recommendation, not to exceed 60,000 miles/600 hours or one year, whichever comes first.
  • Turbodiesel Pickup: Two times (2X) OEM1 recommendation, not to exceed 25,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first.
  • Competition Service Life: Provides lasting protection for multiple events. Use oil analysis to determine appropriate drain intervals.

Gasoline Engine Service Life

  • Two times (2X) OEM1 recommendation, not to exceed 15,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first.

Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil

  • Recommended for the drain intervals stated by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

Synthetic Diesel Oil

  • Recommended for the drain intervals stated by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil, Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil, Synthetic Dirt Bike Oil and other oils are recommended for the oil change intervals stated by the OEM. See their respective product pages on for details about oil change intervals.

Whether you change oil according to OEM guidelines or extend oil change intervals, be sure to change the oil filter at every oil change. You can also extend oil change intervals further with oil analysis.

Oil change interval history

Not long ago, it was common to change conventional oil every 3,000 miles/3 months. The practice originated in the 1960s to time oil changes with the seasons. The quick lube market picked up the idea to keep traffic flowing, touting it as an “insurance policy” for your engine.

Improvements in motor oil performance and engine technology have since rendered that guideline outdated. The advent of electronic oil life monitors struck a first blow. GM introduced its system in 1988, and it’s now on tens of millions of vehicles.

In the early 2010s, the state of California aggressively campaigned against changing oil every 3,000 miles, calling it wasteful. The final stake in the heart of the 3,000-mile oil change came in 2011 when Jiffy Lube, the face of the quick lube industry, abandoned the practice, advising motorists to follow the guidelines in their vehicle’s owner’s manual.

Synthetics provide longer oil change intervals

While synthetic oil lasts longer than conventional oil, it can be difficult to define precisely how much longer it lasts, depending on the brand.

Most oil manufacturers don’t recommend a service interval for their products. They generally advise you to follow the oil-change recommendation in your vehicle’s owner’s manual, likely due to most motorists’ unwillingness to go longer between oil changes than what’s recommended.

But some synthetic oils, such as AMSOIL extended-drain synthetic motor oils, provide a guaranteed oil change interval that allows you to go longer between oil changes if you choose. For some, this provides peace of mind should maintenance be delayed. For others, it offers the convenience and savings of a once-a-year or twice-a-year oil change.

Whether you want to extend oil change intervals or just use the best oil possible, AMSOIL offers a synthetic oil to suit your needs.

1 Refer to your owner’s manual for OEM drain interval recommendations and guidelines for severe and normal service.

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