Harley-Davidson* owners expect their motorcycles to perform flawlessly in all kinds of operating conditions. Whether commuting to work, cruising the backroads or touring the country, reliability is paramount.
In ideal summer riding weather, your Harley can generate extreme heat and undergo stress that leads to oil consumption and engine and transmission wear. Read on to learn how to keep your Harley-Davidson running perfectly.

Better Protection
Extreme summer heat causes inferior oils to lose viscosity, which leads to poor shift quality, compensator noise and potential engine and transmission wear.
Hot oil can become so thin that your engine loses oil pressure, and you might even hear valvetrain and gear noise as metal parts clatter together. Riding with low oil pressure can damage your engine, and the only solution is to shut your bike off and wait until the engine cools off to restore oil pressure.
Oil that maintains its viscosity leads smoother, more confident shifting and helps prevent compensator noise and engine wear.
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil fights the viscosity-destroying effects of extreme engine heat during hot summer riding. In fact, it provides 6X better viscosity stability than Harley-Davidson SYN3.*

Ride Hard. Run Cool.®
The normal operating temperature of a V-twin engine is between 155°F and 230°F degrees Fahrenheit (68°C to 110°C), depending on the ambient temperature. In our dyno test designed to generate extreme heat, we saw air-cooled Harley-Davidson V-Twin cylinder temperatures as high as 383°F (195°C). At that elevated temperature, the oil breaks down more than 16 times faster, absolutely destroying lesser oils!
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil uses high-quality synthetic base oils that naturally resist thinning and breakdown caused by extreme heat and mechanical engine activity. As a result, it forms a thick, strong lubricating film to protect hot V-twin engine components when they need it most.
Switch to AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil to gain protection from potential engine damage leaving you stranded and enjoy peace of mind while riding harder, faster and farther all year long!

V-Twin Oil Change Kits
Whether you ride a vintage Harley or have a newer Milwaukee-Eight* engine, AMSOIL V-Twin Oil Change Kits include everything you need to get the job done.
Not sure which AMSOIL V-Twin products are right for your bike? Check out our convenient motorcycle lookup guide to quickly find exactly what you need.

Time to Rally
Air-cooled V-twins are the hottest-running motorcycle engines. Riding slowly makes matters worse, as the heat generated by the front cylinder makes the rear cylinder even hotter.
Combining extreme summer heat with slow-moving commute, rally or parade traffic is a huge problem for your V-twin engine. Crawling along barely above idle doesn’t generate enough airflow to keep the engine cool. Add in the blazing heat reflecting off the asphalt and it’s a recipe for trouble.
The good news is AMSOIL is the Official Oil of Daytona Bike Week, Laconia Motorcycle Week and the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. If your summer travels lead you to a Rally, be sure to unleash your bike’s power and performance with an AMSOIL oil change onsite.
AMSOIL Technical Writer and 20-year veteran of the motorcycle industry. Enjoys tearing things apart to figure out how they work. If it can’t be repaired, it’s not worth owning.