The pathways to discovering AMSOIL products are many, from local AMSOIL Dealers and retailers to online forums and discussions. These paths to AMSOIL are often spurred by a singular goal – how to make a vehicle investment last as long as possible. This principal doesn’t only apply to new vehicles fresh off the lot, either. Those purchasing used vehicles with higher miles are looking to achieve the same objective: adding many more miles to the odometer.

Another way of discovering AMSOIL is by growing up in the Midwest and hitting the racing circuit. This was the case for AMSOIL Product Development Engineer Grady Tank, who joined the AMSOIL team in April 2024. Tank had grown up in rural Wisconsin and regularly saw AMSOIL being used in racing applications on the track. A common misconception in these racing environments is that AMSOIL only offers products for racing or powersports applications. Tank had a similar take and hadn’t yet connected how broad the product line was for vehicles of all kinds. His career path to AMSOIL would soon change that.