Many of today’s two-stroke snowmobiles direct less oil to critical components, through narrower passages, for longer distances. Oils that thicken...

December 19, 2017

Many of today’s two-stroke snowmobiles direct less oil to critical components, through narrower passages, for longer distances. Oils that thicken at cold temperatures are difficult to pump and can fail to protect components. To protect your sled against wear, you need an oil proven to remain fluid and flow quickly in the harshest cold.

We compared the cold-flow properties of AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR® Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil to Ski-Doo® XPS® 2-Stroke Synthetic Oil, Arctic Cat® 2-Cycle Synthetic CTEC-2® and Polaris® VES® Full Synthetic 2-Cycle Engine Oil. Watch the video to see what happened.

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