How to Build a Winter Survival Kit for Your Car 

Preparing a winter survival kit for your car or truck is essential to ensure your safety until help arrives.

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by Nathan Williamson
September 17, 2024

Winter driving can be treacherous, especially when unexpected snowstorms or icy conditions leave you stranded. Preparing a winter survival kit for your car or truck is essential to ensure your safety until help arrives. Here’s a comprehensive guide to building and using a winter survival kit, plus some AMSOIL products that can help keep you rolling through winter. 

Winter Survival Kit Essentials

1. Portable jump starter and jumper cables

Portable jump starters are an excellent tool to help get your vehicle started in cold weather. As backup, it’s a good idea to add a set of jumper cables in case your portable unit runs low on juice during storage.

2. Warm clothing and blankets

Depending on how long you’re stranded, staying safe and warm may come down staying warm. Throw in hats, gloves, scarves and thermal blankets to stay warm.

3. Cell-phone charger  

Ensure you can keep your phone charged to call for help. 

4. Flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries  

A light is essential for visibility and signaling for help at night.

5. First-aid kit

First-aid kits can easily be purchased. Make sure yours includes bandages, antiseptic and any personal medications. 

6. Emergency reflectors

Reflectors can make your vehicle visible to other drivers and rescuers.

7. Drinking water and non-perishable food

Occasionally people find themselves stranded for several hours during and immediately after major winter storms. If you’re headed out in winter weather, consider throwing in high-calorie snacks like energy bars or trail mix and a jug of water. Juice boxes are excellent as they are less likely to freeze. 

8. Windshield brush/scraper

If you live in a region where you frequently face snow events, it’s likely you already have one of these in your vehicle. This simple tool is key for clearing snow and ice off your windows. 

9. Portable shovel

Portable shovels are designed to be packed in small spaces, but they can be an effective tool for removing snow if you get stuck. 

10. Sand or cat litter 

If you get stuck on ice or packed snow, throwing sand or cat litter under your tires can provide traction to get you back on the road. 

Five Tips to Use Your Winter Survival Kit 

1. Stay with your vehicle

If you become stranded, it’s safer to stay with your car. Vehicles provide shelter and make it easier for rescuers to find you.   

2. Signal for help  

Turn on your hazard lights to make your vehicle more visible.

3. Stay warm

Use the warm clothing and blankets from your kit. Chemical hand and body warmers can be used for additional heat. 

4. Keep Your Exhaust Pipe Clear  

Check that your car’s exhaust pipe is not blocked by snow to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Run the engine periodically to stay warm, but make sure the exhaust is clear of ice and snow first. 

5. Stay nourished and hydrated

Consume the non-perishable food and drink from your kit. 

6. Travel with plenty of fuel

It’s a good idea to keep your vehicle’s fuel tank above quarter full in the winter in case you find yourself in an emergency situation where you need to run your vehicle for heat. 


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AMSOIL Products for Winter Car Maintenance 

Not all situations are preventable, but carefully maintaining your vehicle helps minimize the chance of roadside breakdowns. AMSOIL offers a range of products to keep your car running strong during the coldest months. 

1. Synthetic Motor Oil

Most engine wear happens at startup, especially in cold temperatures. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are formulated without paraffins and remain fluid at extremely cold temperatures. This ensures easier starts, quick oil flow at startup and superior engine protection, even in freezing weather.

2. Transmission Fluids

Cold temperatures can thicken transmission fluids, causing hard shifts and increased wear. AMSOIL transmission fluids maintain their fluidity in cold conditions, improving shift response and overall performance.

3. Gear Oil

Thick gear oils in cold temperatures can hinder gear operation, reduce fuel efficiency and increase wear. AMSOIL synthetic gear oils offer outstanding cold-flow properties to improve efficiency and component protection. 

4. Diesel Fuel Additives

If your vehicle has a diesel engine, using a fuel additive with every tank is important. Cold weather can cause wax crystals to form in diesel fuel, leading to clogged fuel filters and enginestarting issues. AMSOIL Diesel Cold Flow lowers the CFPP by up to 20ºF, preventing wax crystal formation and improving fuel flow. For emergency situations, AMSOIL Diesel Recovery quickly liquefies gelled diesel fuel, getting you back on the road. 

Preparing yourself for the possibility of becoming stranded in your vehicle during winter is a smart move. If you do become stranded, that planning can make the experience safer and less difficult. Preparing your vehicle for harsh winter driving can help to reduce your chances of breaking down in the first place 

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